Platelet transfusions decreased the risk of morbidity and mortality secondary to thrombocytopenia. This therapy not only ameliorates platelet loss in bleeding patients,but also those with acquired dysfunction of platelets. The current standard of practice worldwide is to provide room temperature platelets (RTPs); however, there are many disadvantages to the use of RTPs such that alternative approaches have been explored. One potential approach is the integration and use of cold stored platelets (CSP), which are platelets stored at 1-6 °C, in clinical settings. CSP research studies show equivalent hemostasis and platelet dysfunction restoration compared to RTPs. In addition, publications have demonstrated advantages of CSP such as reduced bacterial contamination and wastage. Despite its benefits, the production of CSP by blood centers (BCs) and uptake and use of CSP by hospitals has remained relatively low. This review highlights the rationale for CSP production and strategies for overcoming the implementation challenges faced by BCs based on a literature review.Experiences of Consortium for Blood Availability members to integrate CSP in their BCs and clinical practices by providing variance applications are reviewed in this paper. Also, demonstrated in this manuscript are the current indications and opportunities for CSP utilization by healthcare providers.
Keywords: Cold stored platelets; Room temperature platelets; Transfusion practice; Treatment efficacy; Treatment indications.
Copyright © 2023. Published by Elsevier Ltd.