Background: Respiratory Epithelial Adenomatoid Hamartoma (REAH) is an uncommon, benign tumor of the sinonasal tract. It can, however, be confused with a sinonasal malignancy causing undo morbidity to patients. Therefore, the clinical as well as histological diagnosis is crucial in order to correctly care for patients.
Methods: This review of a patient, to include their clinical pictures, radiologic pictures, and histologic pictures, allow for the clinician to accurately evaluate and diagnose REAH.
Results: Our patient presented with a classic bilateral olfactory cleft mass on endoscopic exam. CT was obtained showing a non-enhancing homogenous mass, widening the olfactory cleft, with no evidence of skull base defects or bony erosion. MRI was additionally obtained, given the location, showing a homogenous cribriform mass with clearly defined borders with post-contrast enhancement on T1-weighted images and hyperintense T2-weighted images. A biopsy in clinic was done, showing small to medium, round to oval shaped glands lined with ciliated respiratory epithelium and separated by stroma. The surface epithelium extends into the submucosa, communicating with the proliferating glands.
Conclusion: Our patient, presented in this case report, shows a classic presentation of REAH. Using these findings, patients can be better counseled on this benign entity, ranging from observation to surgical intervention.
Keywords: Nasal cavity mass; Respiratory epithelial adenomatoid hamartoma; Sinonasal mass.
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