The L-H transition power threshold (PLH) in favourable magnetic geometry (ion ∇B drift pointing towards X-point) is much lower than in the unfavourable magnetic geometry (ion ∇B drift pointing away from X-point) on multiple tokamaks. In a systematic experiment on DIII-D, the ion ∇B drift direction was changed continuously from the unfavourable to favourable configuration during plasma discharges. During such process, the input neutral beam power was kept constant at a value that was above PLH for favourable configuration, but lower than PLH for unfavourable configuration. Toroidal field and plasma current were also kept constant and there was little change in the edge electron density ne and electron temperature Te profiles. The density fluctuation amplitude was reduced approaching the transition, while a large increase of turbulence Reynolds stress and flow shear were simultaneously observed. The turbulence decorrelation rate was found to increase as the ion ∇B drift direction was moving towards the favourable configuration, but the flow shear also increased and exceeded the turbulence decorrelation rate. These measurements demonstrate an important correlation between turbulence and turbulence-driven flow and a lowering of PLH, provide insights into the underlyingphysics behind the hidden parameters and inform a more complete physics-based model of the L-H transition power threshold. This article is part of a discussion meeting issue 'H-mode transition and pedestal studies in fusion plasmas'.
Keywords: L-H transition; Reynolds stress; ion ∇B drift; turbulence.