Copulation lasted for up to 46 min in little brown bats. Spermatozoa were stored in both the uterus and the utero-tubal junction, although intimate relationships between spermatozoa and the epithelium were particularly evident in the utero-tubal junction, and were established at the beginning of the period of sperm storage. Polymorphonuclear leucocytes were present in all uteri irrespective of whether or not they had been inseminated but were not generally present in the utero-tubal junction or oviduct. Engulfment of spermatozoa by the epithelial cells of the utero-tubal junction and by polymorphonuclear leucocytes in the uterine glands was evident soon after copulation. It is suggested that this may effect the removal of defective spermatozoa and allow luminal spermatozoa access to the spatially restricted storage sites. Uninseminated female bats attempted to elicit copulation from torpid males, and were also observed adjacent to copulating pairs. Female bats also uttered copulation calls.