This study assessed the role of mental health symptoms and motives for sex in the association between childhood sexual abuse (CSA) and sexual risk-taking among men who have sex with women (MSW). The sample consisted of young adult (ages 21 to 30), non-monogamous MSW (N = 532) who reported having condomless sex at least once in the past year. Due to alcohol-related aims from two larger studies from which the data were analyzed, participation was excluded to men who regularly consumed alcohol (3 to 35 weekly drinks) and reported no symptoms of alcohol use disorder. Participants answered background questionnaires in lab and then completed a six-week, follow-up survey assessing the number of sex partners and condom use during the prior six weeks. CSA survivors reported greater mental health symptoms and sex motives related to coping, self-affirmation, and partner approval relative to non-survivors. CSA, sex for partner approval, and sex to enhance motives were positively associated with the number of sex partners. Participants endorsing self-affirmation sex motives reported higher condom use than those who did not. CSA contributes to long-term mental and sexual health outcomes among MSW. Identifying and treating depressive and anxiety symptoms and motives for sex may improve sexual health among CSA survivors.
Keywords: Childhood sexual abuse; HIV; mental health; sex motives; sexual risk.