Ovarian pregnancy is a rare uncommon presentation of an ectopic pregnancy. Without any known risk factors, ovarian pregnancy seems to appear at random. A 29-year-old female patient with previous two cesarean deliveries visited the gynecology emergency department with the complaint of constant dull aching pain in the lower abdomen, aggravated by postural changes. Per vaginal examination, cervical motion tenderness was present. The patient was admitted, and her transvaginal sonography was done along with a urine pregnancy kit test for the suspicion of ectopic gestation. After the initial treatment and arrangement of two units of packed red blood cells after proper grouping and cross-matching for the patient, laparotomy was done. At the time of surgery, left-sided ruptured ovarian pregnancy was confirmed by the Spiegelberg criteria.
Keywords: emergency laparotomy; ovarian ectopic pregnancy management; ovarian pregnancy; ruptured ectopic pregnancy; spiegelberg criteria.
Copyright © 2022, Hans et al.