Sleep-related breathing disorders can be divided into obstructive and central sleep apnea, and hypoventilation syndromes. The diagnosis is made according to an algorithm in which clinical symptoms and a polygraphy or polysomnography usually point the way. After initial diagnosis of the most common obstructive sleep apnea, conservative therapies such as positive airway pressure therapy (PAP therapy), positional therapy, and/or mandibular advancement splint are used in many cases, supplemented by treatment of risk factors. If PAP therapy is not possible, more detailed diagnosis of airway obstruction, often with sleep videoendoscopy, is required. In general, "muscle-sparing" surgical techniques such as tonsillectomy with uvulapalatopharyngoplasty (TE-UPPP) should be considered whenever possible. This is especially important in the surgical treatment of snoring. More surgical therapy alternatives are for example barbed wire pharyngoplasty, tongue pacemaker and bimaxillary advancement. Optimal therapy alternatives should be evaluated in a sleep medicine center.
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