Purpose: Preanestes@s is a web-based application that includes a smart computer-based self-assessment preoperative questionnaire (PreQuest). Preanestes@s enables remote non-telephonic preoperative assessment via a virtual visit. We aimed to determine if the American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) physical status classification assigned by PreQuest and virtual visit is comparable with that assigned by face-to-face assessment, and to determine the accuracy of Preanestes@s in recording complementary preoperative information.
Design: Prospective, observational, paired study.
Methods: This study was conducted in a tertiary teaching hospital. A total of 510 adult patients scheduled for surgery were consecutively recruited. Of these, 220 patients were included in the analysis of ASA grade agreement.
Findings: PreQuest and virtual visit showed higher predictive value than face-to-face assessment in detecting patients with ASA grades 1 to 2. Face-to-face assessment showed the highest rate of false negatives (ASA 3-4 misclassified as ASA 1-2), with a sensitivity of 44.2% versus 69.8% and 50% for PreQuest and virtual visit, respectively. Virtual visit showed the highest agreement with the ASA grade assigned by a panel of experts (kappa index 0.52, 95% confidence interval 0.15-0.89). PreQuest and virtual visit offered a more comprehensive registry of anthropometric data, more detailed record of chronic diseases condition, and more accurate registry of patients' treatments (virtual visit > PreQuest > face-to-face assessment).
Conclusions: The combined use of PreQuest and virtual visit offers a better performance in assigning the ASA grade for non-complex patients and a more accurate and detailed record of complementary information. This finding suggests the feasibility of Preanestes@ as a tool for preoperative assessment.
Keywords: electronic health records; medical informatics applications; patient health questionnaire; preoperative care.
Copyright © 2022 American Society of PeriAnesthesia Nurses. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.