Metaheuristic algorithms are effectively used in searching some optical solution space. for optical solution. It is basically the type of local search generalization that can provide useful solutions for issues related to optimization. Several benefits are associated with this type of algorithms due to that such algorithms can be better to solve many issues in an effective way. To provide fast and accurate solutions to huge range of complex issues is one main benefit metaheuristic algorithms. Some metaheuristic algorithms are effectively used to classify the problems and BAT Algorithm (BA) is one of them is more popular in use to sort out issues related to optimization of theoretical and realistic. Sometimes BA fails to find global optima and gets stuck in local optima because of the absence of investigation and manipulation. We have improved the BA to boost its local searching ability and diminish the premature problem. An improved equation of search with more necessary information through the search is set for the generation of the solution. Test set of benchmark functions are utilized to verify the proposed method's performance. The results of simulation showed that proposed methods are best optimal solution as compare to others.
Keywords: BAT algorithm; function optimization; levy flights; pulse emission.