Professor Bruno Richard Seifert (1861-1919) (Fig.1), a renowned German chemist, invented a mouthwash that combined an antiseptic with essential oils. ( Karl August Lingner (1861-1916) (Fig. 2), of Dresden, Germany, produced and introduced Seifert's mouthwash in 1892. It was called "ODOL." An excellent review of Lingner's life can be accessed on this website: ( Along with ODOL Mundwasser (Mouthwash), ODOL Zahnpasta (Toothpaste) was also produced (Fig. 3). ODOL products are still sold today, 130 years later!
Keywords: Lingner; Lingner-Werke A.G mouthwash; ODOL; Puccini; toothpaste.
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