What advantages are accruing to companies that intentionally integrate their health, safety and mental well-being initiatives? "Total Worker Health®", using the definition from the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), is: "Policies, programs and practices that integrate protection from work-related safety and health hazards with promotion of injury and illness prevention efforts to advance worker well-being." The NIOSH WellBQ is an individual level questionnaire that asks employees about their perceptions related to their quality of work life, circumstances outside of work, supervisor support and physical and mental health status. Total Worker Health® related research funded by NIOSH is intended to "build the scientific evidence base necessary to develop new solutions for complex occupational safety and health problems." This editorial argues that there is an unreconciled tension in the health promotion field relating to the evidence needed to prioritize individual vs social responsibility for health. The NIOSH Total Worker Health® and organizational health scorecards are discussed in the context of honoring the need to balance both lifestyle and environmental oriented interventions.
Keywords: Total Worker Health; lifestyle medicine; quality improvement; socio ecological model; stare decisis.