Although broad consensus exists that photoirradiation of mixed-halide lead perovskites leads to anion segregation, no model today fully rationalizes all aspects of this near ubiquitous phenomenon. Here, we quantitatively compare experimental, CsPb(I0.5Br0.5)3 nanocrystal (NC) terminal anion photosegregation stoichiometries and excitation intensity thresholds to a band gap-based, thermodynamic model of mixed-halide perovskite photosegregation. Mixed-halide NCs offer strict tests of theory given physical sizes, which dictate local photogenerated carrier densities. We observe that mixed-anion perovskite NCs exhibit significant robustness to photosegregation, with photosegregation propensity decreasing with decreasing NC size. Observed size- and excitation intensity-dependent photosegregation data agree with model predicted size- and excitation intensity-dependent terminal halide stoichiometries. Established correspondence between experiment and theory, in turn, suggests that mixed-halide perovskite photostabilities can be predicted a priori using local gradients of (empirical) Vegard's law expressions of composition-dependent band gaps.
Keywords: excitation intensity dependence; mixed-halide; nanocrystal; perovskite; photosegregation; size dependence; thermodynamic model.