We present a scheme for the full integration of terahertz (THz) frequency quantum cascade lasers (QCLs) within a dilution refrigerator in order to provide a directed delivery of THz power into the sample space. We describe a successful operation of a 2.68 THz QCL located on the pulse tube cooler stage of the refrigerator, with its output coupled onto a two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) located on a milli-kelvin sample stage via hollow metal waveguides and Hysol thermal isolators, achieving a total loss from QCL to the sample of ∼-9 dB. The thermal isolators limit heat leaks to the sample space, with a base temperature of ∼210 mK being achieved. We observe cyclotron resonance (CR) induced in the 2DEG by the QCL and explore the heating impact of the QCL on all stages of the refrigerator. The CR effect induced by the THz QCL is observable at electron temperatures as low as ∼430 mK. The results show a viable route for the exploitation of THz QCLs within the environment of a dilution refrigerator and for the THz power delivery in very low-temperature (<0.5 K) condensed matter experiments.