Purpose: The diffusion-weighted SPLICE (split acquisition of fast spin-echo signals) sequence employs split-echo rapid acquisition with relaxation enhancement (RARE) readout to provide images almost free of geometric distortions. However, due to the varying T -weighting during k-space traversal, SPLICE suffers from blurring. This work extends a method for controlling the spatial point spread function (PSF) while optimizing the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) achieved by adjusting the flip angles in the refocusing pulse train of SPLICE.
Methods: An algorithm based on extended phase graph (EPG) simulations optimizes the flip angles by maximizing SNR for a flexibly chosen predefined target PSF that describes the desired k-space density weighting and spatial resolution. An optimized flip angle scheme and a corresponding post-processing correction filter which together achieve the target PSF was tested by healthy subject brain imaging using a clinical 1.5 T scanner.
Results: Brain images showed a clear and consistent improvement over those obtained with a standard constant flip angle scheme. SNR was increased and apparent diffusion coefficient estimates were more accurate. For a modified Hann k-space weighting example, considerable benefits resulted from acquisition weighting by flip angle control.
Conclusion: The presented flexible method for optimizing SPLICE flip angle schemes offers improved MR image quality of geometrically accurate diffusion-weighted images that makes the sequence a strong candidate for radiotherapy planning or stereotactic surgery.
Keywords: SNR; SPLICE; diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging; point spread function; sequence optimization; variable flip angle.
© 2022 The Authors. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine.