Juvenile aggressive ossifying fibroma

Natl J Maxillofac Surg. 2022 Aug;13(Suppl 1):S183-S186. doi: 10.4103/njms.NJMS_70_18. Epub 2022 Aug 20.


Ossifying fibroma, also the cement ossifying fibroma radiographically, represents a well-demarcated mixed radiolucency/radio-opacity with smooth and often sclerotic borders. These lesions are usually solitary and most commonly seen in the mandible; cases in the maxilla have also reported. Histologically, they contain a relatively avascular cellular fibrous stroma with reticular bone trabeculae and cementum-like spherules. We present a case report of an 11-year-old boy with a 2-month history of an asymptomatic swelling seen on the left side of the angle of the mandible. An initial diagnosis of ossifying fibroma was made by an incisional biopsy, and considering the age as a factor surgical resection of the tumor was done under general anesthesia following closure by a two-layer suturing under proper antibiotic and analgesic coverage. The patient has been on regular follow-ups with no adverse effects and satisfactory healing.

Keywords: Biopsy; fibroma; mandible; nonodontogenic; trabeculae.

Publication types

  • Case Reports