A Rare Case and Presentation of Traumatic Penetrating Aortic Arch Injury: A Case Report and Literature Review

Cureus. 2022 Nov 3;14(11):e31069. doi: 10.7759/cureus.31069. eCollection 2022 Nov.


A penetrating injury to the thoracic aorta is an extremely rare, life-threatening condition, with a high overall mortality rate. The incidence of a penetrating injury to the aortic arch is unknown because the majority of patients die before receiving adequate treatment due to excessive bleeding. Through a literature review, 23 cases of favorable outcomes were found. We report the first case from the Arab Gulf states. We present the extremely rare case of a 23-year-old male who presented to the emergency department with stable hemodynamics after being stabbed in the left supraclavicular region. The investigation revealed that he suffered from aortic arch transection and contrast extravasation. The patient was rushed to the operating room, where a primary repair was performed through a median sternotomy approach. The patient was discharged on the 14th postoperative day without complications. Penetrating chest trauma (aortic arch injury) is uncommon, and it is typically fatal at the scene or time of injury, even in patients who arrive at the emergency department alive or while undergoing surgery. CT aortography should be performed on patients with normal vital signs but abnormal clinical findings suggestive of a vascular injury. For injuries of types II to IV without concomitant injuries, immediate surgical repair is recommended. Aortic arch penetrating injuries continue to be extremely lethal. Emergency surgical repair remains the standard of care and is associated with high morbidity and mortality rates. However, managing such uncommon injuries remains a formidable challenge. We encourage additional studies.

Keywords: aortic arch; chest injury; median thoracotomy; penetrating trauma; supraclavicular trauma; surviving trauma.

Publication types

  • Case Reports