The similarity among samples and the discrepancy among clusters are two crucial aspects of image clustering. However, current deep clustering methods suffer from inaccurate estimation of either feature similarity or semantic discrepancy. In this paper, we present a Semantic Pseudo-labeling-based Image ClustEring (SPICE) framework, which divides the clustering network into a feature model for measuring the instance-level similarity and a clustering head for identifying the cluster-level discrepancy. We design two semantics-aware pseudo-labeling algorithms, prototype pseudo-labeling and reliable pseudo-labeling, which enable accurate and reliable self-supervision over clustering. Without using any ground-truth label, we optimize the clustering network in three stages: 1) train the feature model through contrastive learning to measure the instance similarity; 2) train the clustering head with the prototype pseudo-labeling algorithm to identify cluster semantics; and 3) jointly train the feature model and clustering head with the reliable pseudo-labeling algorithm to improve the clustering performance. Extensive experimental results demonstrate that SPICE achieves significant improvements (~10%) over existing methods and establishes the new state-of-the-art clustering results on six balanced benchmark datasets in terms of three popular metrics. Importantly, SPICE significantly reduces the gap between unsupervised and fully-supervised classification; e.g. there is only 2% (91.8% vs 93.8%) accuracy difference on CIFAR-10. Our code is made publicly available at