We developed an autocorrelation function to resolve the overtaking problem in a multiturn time-of-flight mass spectrometer (TOF-MS). The function analyzes the characteristic period for one lap of each ion packet and derives a mass spectrum from a signal pulse train composed of multiturn ion packets. To detect the ion pulse train, a new nondestructive ion detector was developed and installed in the multiturn orbit of MULTUM-S II. This detector is composed of an electrostatically induced charge detector, a preamplifier, and a digitizer. The electrostatic noises are smaller than the single-ion signals owing to the accumulation of the multiturn TOF spectrum. The conventional ion detector of TOF-MS is operated after collecting the signal pulse train. The multiturn TOF spectrum was convolved with an autocorrelation function to derive the mass spectrum. The convolved mass spectrum performed a mass resolving power (MRP) of 28,200 at m/z 69 and mass accuracy of 28 ppm for the perfluorotributylamine (PFTBA) gas sample.
Keywords: MULTUM; electrostatic-induced charge detector; mass assignment; multiturn TOF-MS; nondestructive ion detection.
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