Fluorescent indicators that respond to changes in biological membrane potentials provide a powerful complement to existing methods for monitoring neuronal activity. Indicators that absorb and emit in the near infrared window are especially attractive, since lower energy wavelengths excite fewer biological molecules and can penetrate more deeply into biological tissues. In this work, we incorporate sulfone rhodamine chromophores into a voltage-sensitive scaffold in order to generate voltage sensitive fluorophores which absorb and emit above 700 nm. These Sulfone Rhodamine Voltage Reporters (SuRhoVRs) partition into cell membranes and display good sensitivity to membrane potential changes. The most sensitive SuRhoVR derivative also displays excellent photostability and can track membrane potential changes in dissociated rat hippocampal neurons.
Keywords: fluorescence; fluorescent probes; membrane potential; responsive indicators.
© 2022 Wiley-VCH GmbH.