Background: Hispanic/Latinx (H/L) patients with cancer treated with stem cell transplant are vulnerable to adverse outcomes, including higher mortality. This study explored their unmet transplant needs, barriers, and facilitators.
Methods: Eighteen English- or Spanish-speaking H/L patients (M age = 59.2) who had a transplant in the past year were interviewed about their transplant experience and rated their interest in receiving information about transplant topics (0 = not at all to 10 = extremely).
Results: Content analysis revealed five main themes: (1) pre-transplant barriers and concerns; (2) complex relationships with medical teams; (3) informational mismatch; (4) impacts on daily life after transplant; and (5) methods of coping. Participants were most interested in information about ways of coping with transplant (M = 9.11, SD = 1.45) and words of hope and encouragement (M = 9.05, SD = 1.80). At just above the scale's midpoint, they were least interested in information about side effects and unintended consequences of transplant (M = 5.61, SD = 3.85).
Conclusions: Cultural factors, social determinants, and structural inequalities give rise to unique needs in this growing patient population. Healthcare team members and researchers can better meet the needs of H/L transplant recipients through attention to described considerations, such as financial barriers, communication difficulties, family dynamics, and coping styles.
Keywords: Cancer disparities; Culturally informed interventions; Hispanic/Latinx; Psychoeducational; Stem cell transplant.
© 2022. International Society of Behavioral Medicine.