Background and aims: COVID-19 vaccines are now accessible to all Indian citizens. Infection with COVID-19, on the other hand, continues to spread constantly. Our study aimed to determine the number of persons who had COVID-19 infections despite receiving the recommended number of doses of the COVID-19 vaccination at AIIMS Rishikesh, a tertiary care facility in Uttarakhand, India.
Methods: We analysed meticulously preserved data regarding COVID-19 vaccination, COVID-19 infection, clinical symptoms, and RT-PCR testing among all HCWs in our healthcare institution from 16 January 2021 to 30th June 2021.
Results: During this period, 5273 (90.3%) HCWs received two doses of the COVID-19 vaccine, while 566 (9.7%) received only one dose. 628 HCWs (10.8%) were BBV152 recipients and 5211 (89.2%) were AZD1222 (ChAdOx1-S) recipients. 423 HCWs (7.2%, confidence interval of 95% - 13.8, 22.0) reported COVID-19 infections. 274 (5.19% of total vaccinated HCWs) breakthrough infections and 149 non-breakthrough COVID-19 infections were reported in HCWs who had previously received a single dose of the COVID-19 vaccination.
Conclusion: Viral infections, especially breakthrough infections, following adequate vaccination, are a cause for concern, but there is a lack of data on these infections in the actual world. Therefore, the primary focus of research should be on the emergence of illness in India following the completion of a full vaccine course.
Keywords: Breakthrough; COVID-19; healthcare; infection; vaccine; workers.
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