Molecular imprinted polymers (MIPs) as extraordinary compounds with unique features have presented a wide range of applications and benefits to researchers. In particular when used as a sorbent in sample preparation methods for the analysis of biological samples and complex matrices. Its application in the extraction of medicinal species has attracted much attention and a growing interest. This review focus on articles and research that deals with the application of MIPs in the analysis of components such as biomarkers, drugs, hormones, blockers and inhibitors, especially in biological matrices. The studies based on MIP applications in bioanalysis and the deployment of MIPs in high-throughput settings and optimization of extraction methods are presented. A review of more than 200 articles and research works clearly shows that the superiority of MIP techniques lies in high accuracy, reproducibility, sensitivity, speed and cost effectiveness which make them suitable for clinical usage. Furthermore, this review present MIP-based extraction techniques and MIP-biosensors which are categorized on their classes based on common properties of target components. Extraction methods, studied sample matrices, target analytes, analytical techniques and their results for each study are described. Investigations indicate satisfactory results using MIP-based bioanalysis. According to the increasing number of studies on method development over the last decade, the use of MIPs in bioanalysis is growing and will further expand the scope of MIP applications for less studied samples and analytes.
Keywords: Bioanalysis; Biological samples; Extraction techniques; Molecular imprinted polymers.
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