Irrigation not only helps to improve food security but also creates numerous water bodies for mosquito production. This study assessed the effect of irrigation on malaria vector bionomics and transmission in a semi-arid site with ongoing malaria vector control program. The effectiveness of CDC light traps in the surveillance of malaria vectors was also evaluated relative to the human landing catches (HLCs) method. Adult mosquitoes were sampled in two study sites representing irrigated and non-irrigated agroecosystems in western Kenya using a variety of trapping methods. The mosquito samples were identified to species and assayed for host blood meal source and Plasmodium spp. sporozoite infection using polymerase chain reaction. Anopheles arabiensis was the dominant malaria vector in the two study sites and occurred in significantly higher densities in irrigated study site compared to the non-irrigated study site. The difference in indoor resting density of An. arabiensis during the dry and wet seasons was not significant. Other species, including An. funestus, An. coustani, and An. pharoensis, were collected. The An. funestus indoor resting density was 0.23 in irrigated study site while almost none of this species was collected in the non-irrigated study site. The human blood index (HBI) for An. arabiensis in the irrigated study site was 3.44% and significantly higher than 0.00% for the non-irrigated study site. In the irrigated study site, the HBI of An. arabiensis was 3.90% and 5.20% indoor and outdoor, respectively. The HBI of An. funestus was 49.43% and significantly higher compared to 3.44% for An. arabiensis in the irrigated study site. The annual entomologic inoculation rate for An. arabiensis in the irrigated study site was 0.41 and 0.30 infective bites/person/year indoor and outdoor, respectively, whereas no transmission was observed in the non-irrigated study site. The CDC light trap performed consistently with HLC in terms of vector density. These findings demonstrate that irrigated agriculture may increase the risk of malaria transmission in irrigated areas compared to the non-irrigated areas and highlight the need to complement the existing malaria vector interventions with novel tools targeting the larvae and both indoor and outdoor biting vector populations.
Keywords: Anopheles; Irrigation; Malaria transmission; Vector bionomics; Vector density.
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