Objectives: Our aim was to examine the numbers of practicing physicians and total numbers of hospital beds in European Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development countries.
Methods: Data analyzed were derived from the "Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Health Statistics 2020" database between 1980 and 2018. The selected countries were compared according to the type of healthcare system and geographical location by parametric and nonparametric tests.
Results: In 1980, Bismarck-type systems showed an average number of physicians of 2.3 persons/1000 population; in Beveridge-type systems, it was 1.7 persons. By 2018, it leveled out reaching 3.9 persons in both healthcare system types. In 1980, average physician number/1000 was 2.5 persons in Eastern Europe; in Western Europe, it was 1.9 persons. By 2018 this proportion changed with Western Europe having the higher number (3.7 persons; 3.9 persons). In 1980, average number of hospital beds/1000 population was 9.6 in Bismarck-type systems whereas in Beveridge-type systems it was 8.8. By 2018, it decreased to 5.6 in Bismarck-type systems (-42%) and to 3.1 in Beveridge-type systems (-65%). In 1980, the average number of hospital beds/1000 population in Eastern Europe was 10.3; in Western Europe, it was 8.5. By 2018, the difference between the 2 regions did not change.
Conclusions: Although the number of physicians was 33% higher in 1980 in Eastern Europe than in Western Europe, by 2018 the number of physicians was 5% higher in Western Europe. In general, regardless of the healthcare system and geographical location, the proportion of physicians per 1000 population has improved due to a larger decrease in the number of hospital beds.
Keywords: COVID-19; Eastern Europe; Western Europe; hospital bed capacity; physicians.
Copyright © 2022 International Society for Health Economics and Outcomes Research. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.