Some fish species have taste buds on the surface of their bodies and fins, as well as in the oral cavity. The extraoral taste system of fish has traditionally been studied in species that inhabit environments and/or employ feeding strategies where vision is limited. Here we examined taste sensation in a new ecological context by investigating the paired fins of damselfish (Pomacentridae), a group of diurnal midwater fishes that inhabit the light-rich waters of coral reefs. Immunohistochemistry demonstrated the presence of taste buds on the paired fins of Chromis viridis, including on the distal tips of elongate leading-edge pelvic fin rays, where they are particularly densely packed, suggesting specialization for chemosensation. Similar anatomical results were also recorded from two other species, Pomacentrus amboinensis and Pomacentrus coelestis. We found that afferent pectoral fin nerves of C. viridis responded to a food-derived stimulus. By investigating the extraoral taste system in a new phylogenetic and ecological context, these results show that taste buds on fins are more widespread amongst fish than previously known and are present even in highly visual environments.
某些鱼种除了在口腔内, 在身体表面以及鱼鳍上也具有味觉受体。在过去对于口腔外味觉感应系统的研究, 传统上是针对那些生活环境或掠食策略受到视觉限制的鱼种。我们在此篇研究当中检视了雀鲷科 (Pomacentridae) 的成对偶鳍, 雀鲷科是一种日行性并生活在光照充足的珊瑚礁的中层水域鱼种, 我们藉由研究雀鲷, 检视了味觉感应在不同生态环境下所扮演的角色。免疫组织化学染色显示了在蓝绿光鳃鱼 (Chromis viridis) 的成对偶鳍上有味蕾, 包括了密集聚集在腹鳍前沿远端鳍条上的味蕾, 这可能是为了化学感应而特化的结构。对于另外两种雀鲷科鱼类安邦雀鲷 (Pomacentrus amboinensis)以及霓虹雀鲷(Pomacentrus coelestis) 的解剖学研究也有相似的结果。我们发现蓝绿光鳃鱼的胸鳍传入神经纤维对食物讯号刺激有反应。通过在新的亲缘与生态系统中研究口腔外味觉系统, 这些结果表明, 鳍上的味蕾在鱼类中比以前已知的更为普遍, 即使在需要高度依赖视觉的环境中也存在。.
© The Author(s) 2022. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology.