Gender disparities in multiple myeloma publications

EJHaem. 2022 Jun 15;3(3):966-969. doi: 10.1002/jha2.470. eCollection 2022 Aug.


Gender disparities exist in academia and are disproportionately affecting females. We conducted a cross-sectional study to analyze gender disparities in multiple myeloma (MM) publications. A total of 679 publications with 8898 authorships were analyzed. The mean number of authors for females vs. males, per publication, was 4.4 and 8.7, respectively. Females constituted a third of the total authors. Female first authors, corresponding authors, and last/senior authors were 34%, 21%, and 18%, respectively. Note that, 17% of authors of clinical trial publications were females. Gender disparities in MM publications exist and are more obvious in the last/corresponding authorship. Efforts should be made to identify factors that contribute to these disparities and work to resolve them.

Keywords: Multiple myeloma; academia; disparities; gender; publications.