The stem borer weevil, Lixus algirus L. (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), causes severe damage to faba beans (Vicia faba L.) in Morocco. A survey was conducted to determine the distribution of L. algirus, its natural enemies, and the severity of damage it causes to faba beans in Morocco. A total of 16 and 27 stops were randomly selected and surveyed in the major faba bean-growing regions during the years 2017 and 2018, respectively. The Gharb region recorded the highest level of L. algirus infestation at 80% and 71.42% in 2017 and 2018, respectively, followed by the Saïs region at 58.75% and 36% in 2017 and 2018, respectively. Two egg parasitoids (Chlorocytuslixi and Anaphes longicornis), one egg predator (Orius sp.), and a larval parasitoid (Cyanopterobracon) were identified. The ectoparasitoid C. lixi was observed to be the most dominant species, with percentages of parasitism in the regions ranging between 35.75% and 70.49%. The larval parasitoid Cyanopterobracon was the second most abundant species, with percentages of parasitism ranging between 3.03% to 15.96%. Understanding the parasitoid complex of L. algirus in Morocco is necessary for the subsequent development of a biological control program.
Keywords: Chlorocytus lixi; Cyanopterobracon; Morocco; Vicia faba L.; biological control; faba bean stem borer.