Norovirus (NoV) infection remains a major public health concern worldwide. Appropriate animal models are essential for the development of effective NoV vaccines. We previously established the feline NoV (FNoV)-cat model as a surrogate animal model for human NoV infection. In the present study, we analyzed the B-cell linear epitope in the P domain of FNoV to confirm the basic immunological features of the FNoV-cat model. B-cell linear epitopes were present in the P2 subdomain. We compared antibody levels to peptides containing the B-cell linear epitope (P-10) in three FNoV-infected cats with time-course changes in viral load and symptom scoring. After FNoV infection, viral shedding and clinical symptoms were shown to improve by elevated levels of antibodies against P-10 in the plasma. This report provides important information for understanding NoV infections in humans and cats.
Keywords: B-cell epitope; cat; norovirus; surrogate model.