Nacre structure has aragonite polygonal tablets, tessellated to generate separate layers, and exhibits adjacent layers and tablets within a layer bonded by a biopolymer. Here, we report the development of a nacre-like organic/inorganic hybrid nanocomposite coating consisting of epoxy tablets as well as rare-earth-activated aluminate and graphene oxide tablet/tablet interfaces. The lanthanide-activated aluminate was prepared using a high temperature solid-state approach followed by top-down technology to provide the phosphor nanoparticles (PNPs). Graphene oxide nanosheets were prepared from graphite. The prepared epoxy/graphene/phosphor nanocomposites were applied onto mild steel. Covalent bonds were formed between epoxy polymer chains resin and the graphene oxide nanosheets. These interface interactions resulted in a tough surface, high tensile strength, and excellent durability. The use of phosphor in the nanoparticle form guaranteed that no agglomerations were produced throughout the hardening procedure by allowing better distribution of PNPs in the nacre-like matrix. The generated nacre-like substrates displayed reversible fluorescence. The excitation of the white coloured nacre-like coats at 367 nm resulted in a green emission band at 518 nm as designated by the Commission Internationale de l'éclairage (CIE) Laboratory and photoluminescence spectra. Various analysis methods were utilized to inspect the surface structure and elemental composition of the nacre-like coats. An improved hydrophobicity and mechanical characteristics were detected when increasing the phosphor concentration. Due to the astonishing characteristics of the prepared nacre-like composite paint, both ceramics and metals can benefit from the current simple strategy.
Keywords: epoxy resin; graphene oxide nanosheets; photoluminescent; smart nacre-like coating; superhydrophobic.
© 2022 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.