Foliar fungal endophytes are ubiquitous and hyperdiverse, and tend to be host-specific among dominant forest tree species. The fungal genus Tubakia sensu lato is comprised of foliar pathogens and endophytes that exhibit host preference for Quercus and other Fagaceae species. To clarify interspecific differences in ecological characteristics among Tubakia species, we examined the endophyte communities of seven evergreen Quercus spp. at three sites in eastern Japan during summer and winter. Host tree species was the most significant factor affecting endophyte community composition. Tubakia species found at the study sites were divided into five specialists and three generalists according to their relative abundance in each host species and their host ranges. Specialists were dominant on their own host in summer, and their abundance declined in winter. To test the hypothesis that generalists are more widely adapted to their environment than specialists, we compared their spore germination rates at different temperatures. Spores of generalist Tubakia species were more tolerant of colder temperatures than were spores of specialist Tubakia species, supporting our hypothesis. Seasonal and site variations among Tubakia species were also consistent with our hypothesis. Host identity and ecology were significantly associated with endophyte community structure.
Keywords: Cyclobalanopsis; Endophyte; Host specificity; Quercus; Spore germination rate; Tubakiaceae.
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