Objectives: High-resolution computed tomography (HRCT) of the chest is the gold standard to diagnose interstitial lung disease (ILD). A prior survey reported that fewer than 60% of SSc-treating rheumatologists order an HRCT for ILD screening in newly diagnosed SSc patients. Since then, efforts were initiated to increase awareness of HRCT as a screening tool. Aim of the present study was to assess efficacy of these awareness programs.
Methods: European Scleroderma Trials and Research (EUSTAR) and Scleroderma Clinical Trials Consortium (SCTC) members answered a survey about the use of HRCT at diagnosis, the re-screening of patients with a negative baseline HRCT, and the follow-up of HRCT positive SSc-ILD patients. When HRCT was not routinely requested, additional details were collected.
Results: Among 205 physician responders, 95.6% would perform an HRCT at SSc diagnosis: 64.9% as routine screening for ILD (65.4% of SSc referral and 63.6% of non-referral physicians) and 30.7% upon clinical suspicion (95.2% in case of crackles on auscultation). Among non-screening physicians, clinical and ethical concerns were major driving factors for not ordering HRCTs. During follow-up, 79.0% of responders would repeat HRCTs in baseline negative cases: 14.1% as routine screening and 64.9% for diagnostic purposes. Finally, 93.2% of responders would repeat a chest HRCT after SSc-ILD diagnosis: 36.6% as yearly routine and 56.6% according to clinical evaluation.
Conclusions: The use of baseline HRCT for the screening of SSc-ILD has slightly increased, but awareness programs should be adapted for further improvement. HRCT use in re-screening and follow-up may benefit from validated algorithms.