Accurate, timely, and cost-effective blood chemistry analysis is an essential tool for directing emergency treatment, monitoring the health status of captive and free-ranging individuals and flocks, and improving the efficacy of conservation actions. Blood samples were obtained from 52 canvasbacks (Aythya valisineria) that were captured on San Francisco Bay, California, during December 2017 as part of a long-term study. Reference values and clinical agreement were determined for blood chemistry and plasma protein parameters among four commonly used point-of-care devices (VetScan® VS2, i-STAT®, AlphaTRAK®2 glucometer, refractometer) and two gold standard laboratory analyzers (Roche cobas® c501, Helena SPIFE 3000 system). Canvasback reference values were generally within expected ranges for Anatidae species with the exception of higher upper limits for sodium and chloride. Creatine kinase and aspartate transaminase values exceeded a published threshold for diagnosis of capture myopathy even though study birds were captured using low-stress techniques and successfully released. With the exception of higher alkaline phosphatase in hatch-year canvasbacks, no age or sex differences were observed for any analyte in this population that was captured during a nonbreeding period. Analysis of analyzer agreement found raw VetScan aspartate transaminase, calcium, glucose, and uric acid values; corrected VetScan albumin, potassium, sodium, and total protein values; raw i-STAT glucose and potassium values; and corrected i-STAT sodium and chloride values were clinically interchangeable with Roche cobas values. Raw VetScan and i-STAT glucose values were also interchangeable. However, none of the Roche or point-of-care analyzer plasma protein values were in clinical agreement with gold standard electrophoresis values. The findings of this study highlight the need for analyzer- or technique-specific reference values and provide biologists and veterinarians quantitative reference values using currently available analyzers to better assess and respond to the health of individuals and populations.