The expression of the progesterone receptor (PR) was studied in the chicken bursa of Fabricius (BF) in both sexes from the time of hatching until the bursal involution. Steroid binding studies, immunohistochemistry, and autoradiography were used to characterize and localize the receptor. Three different polyclonal antibodies (IgG-RB, IgG-G3, and IgG-RB2) directed against the chick oviduct progesterone receptor were used for the studies. With immunohistochemistry, no receptor-positive cells were detected in the bursae of young chicks. The first receptor-positive cells were occasionally seen at the age of 10 wk in the frozen sections, not in the paraffin sections. In older female chicks, the staining became more abundant. In males, the PR was expressed only after estradiol treatment. The staining was located in the nuclei of the subepithelial and the interfollicular cells, which were probably mesenchymal in origin. The bursal epithelium and the lymphocytes were not stained. By using a combined technique of autoradiography and immunohistochemistry, we were able to demonstrate that the same cells also concentrated tritiated ORG 2058 (a specific synthetic progestin) in their nuclei. In steroid binding studies with tritiated ORG 2058, the receptor concentration after the age of 10 wk was 50 to 120 fmol/mg protein. Low-level ORG 2058 binding was also detected in young chicks of both sexes before the age of 10 wk. The progestin-binding molecule resembled the progesterone receptor of the chick oviduct in molecular size (studied with HPLC) and binding properties. The PR expression in the BF was preceded by the expression of PR in the oviduct stromal cells and by an increase in oviduct epithelial proliferation, indicating the BF is affected by factors associated with sexual maturation. It is concluded that the subepithelial and the interfollicular stromal cells in the BF, but not the epithelial or follicular cells, are estradiol-sensitive in both sexes immediately after hatching. The endogenous estrogens, however, are not able to induce PR until after the onset of sexual maturation, and only in females. This implies that estrogen and progesterone may affect the structural organization of the BF through the stromal cells, but probably not before the onset of puberty.