Biofilm is a major cause of infections and infrastructure deterioration, largely due to molecular diffusion restrictions that hamper the antimicrobial activity of traditional antibiotics and disinfectants. Here, we present a self-locomotive, antimicrobial microrobot (SLAM) swarm that can penetrate, fracture, and detach biofilm and, in turn, nullify bacterial resistance to antibiotics. The SLAM is assembled by loading a controlled mass of manganese oxide nanosheets on diatoms with the polydopamine binder. In hydrogen peroxide solution, SLAMs produce oxygen bubbles that generate thrust to penetrate the rigid and dense Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilm and self-assemble into a swarm that repeatedly surrounds, expands, and bursts oxygen bubbles. The resulting cavities continue to deform and fracture extracellular polymeric substances from microgrooved silicone substrates and wounded skin explants while decreasing the number of viable bacterial cells. Additionally, SLAM allows irrigating water or antibiotics to access the residual biofilm better, thus enhancing the synergistic efficacy in killing up to 99.9% of bacterial cells.
Keywords: Bubble; Diatom; MnO(2); Polydopamine; Wound.
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