Arsenic (As) is a ubiquitous carcinogenic metalloid that enters into human food chain, through rice consumption. To unravel the conundrum of oxidative vs. reductive stress, the differential root-system architecture (RSA) was studied under As (a ROS producer) and thiourea (TU; a ROS scavenger) alone treatments, which indicated 0.80- and 0.74-fold reduction in the number of lateral roots (NLR), respectively compared with those of control. In case of As+TU treatment, NLR was increased by 4.35-fold compared with those of As-stress, which coincided with partial restoration of redox-status and auxin transport towards the root-tip. The expression levels of 16 ROS related genes, including RBOHC, UPB-1 C, SHR1, PUCHI, were quantified which provided the molecular fingerprint, in accordance with endogenous ROS signature. LC-MS based untargeted and targeted metabolomics data revealed that As-induced oxidative stress was metabolically more challenging than TU alone-induced reductive stress. Cis/trans-ferruloyl putrescine and γ-glutamyl leucine were identified as novel As-responsive metabolites whose levels were decreased and increased, respectively under As+TU than As-treated roots. In addition, the overall amino acid accumulation was increased in As+TU than As-treated roots, indicating the improved nutritional availability. Thus, the study revealed dynamic interplay between "ROS-metabolites-RSA", to the broader context of TU-mediated amelioration of As-stress in rice.
Keywords: Amino acids; Auxin; Lateral roots; Metabolomics; Redox; Serotonin.
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