Based on the Scopus record, Nitric Oxide journal (NOJ) has completed 25 years of publications. On March 8, 2022, the publication data was retrieved from the Scopus database and analyzed on VOSviewer and R-Studio (Bibliometrix R package/Biblioshiny). NOJ has published 1928 research documents majorly comprising of articles (1611/83.56%) and reviews (210/10.89%). The total citations and h-index were 56291 & 97, respectively. The per year (from 1997 to 2022) publications and citations are presented in this study. We tried to highlight some of the influential researchers, institutes, and countries. In all publications, 7450 authors have contributed with a collaboration index of 0.241. For all authors, we provided descriptive details about their total number of publications (NoP), total citations (TC), h-index, g-index, m-index, citations per paper (CPP), citation per year (CPY), HG Sqrt and Q2Index. Based on each indicator, we highlighted the top five scientists. The research publications (over time) of the top ten authors are also described. Furthermore, the collaboration network of authors is graphically presented. We also provided descriptive details about the most productive institutes. The highest number of documents are published by the University of Sao Paolo (n = 78), Brazil, while in-country sections, USA has the highest number of publications (n = 553) with 21739 citations and 69 h-index. In the same vein, for each era (five years) details about the top five countries are provided. In all publications (n = 1794), 34 European, 3 North American, 13 Asian, 10 South American, 5 Middle East, 8 African and 2 Asia Pacific countries have contributed. Numerical details about the collaboration links of all countries and the per-era contributions of the top ten countries are also provided. Based on the co-words analysis the per era research focus is graphically presented. Descriptive details about the major trends in publication in each era are also provided. We also manually analyzed 160 words that appeared more than thirty thousand (n = 30,000) times and tried to provide a broader overview of research publications. Based on Scopus record, the NOJ ranking is yearly improving and presently (2021-2022) it holds 14th and 17th positions in clinical biochemistry and physiology. The success could be attributed to all researchers, institutes, editors-in-chief, reviewers, editorial board & entire management.
Keywords: 25 Years and Bibliometric analysis; Nitric oxide.
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