To examine the relationship between public health accreditation and innovation, we analyzed accredited health departments' self-reported responses to a prompt within the Public Health Accreditation Board's (PHAB's) Annual Report regarding any approaches to pursuing innovation within their health department. We found that of the 205 health departments examined, 75 (37%) described elements of the health department's approach to fostering innovation. The most common approaches to innovation included partnerships (59% of those health departments that described their innovation approaches) and leadership (27%). Other common elements, mentioned by at least 20% of health departments that provided their innovation approach, include funding, internal collaboration, training, and devoting time to innovation. Both larger health departments and state health departments were more likely than smaller health departments and local health departments to describe elements of their approach in fostering innovation, suggesting that those types of health departments may have access to resources and flexibility in staffing, both integral elements for promoting innovation.
Copyright © 2022 The Authors. Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.