Objective: The target sorB gene, related to sorbicillinoid production, and the free expression element, AMA1, were used to verify the methodological approach in Acremonium chrysogenum.
Result: CRISPR-Cas9 episomal expression system was used to introduce a point mutation into the sorB gene and the addition of sorB donor DNA achieved complete knockout of target genes. Four BSSS (yeast bud site selection system)-related genes, axl1, axl2, bud3, and bud4 were knocked out without impact on yield, dry weight, or pH. Relationships between morphology and stress tolerance in knockout strains were analyzed.
Conclusion: The gene-editing system used in the current study exceeded 80% efficiency and arthrospores development was found to differ from that in wild-type strain.
Keywords: Acremonium chrysogenum; CRISPR/Cas9; Cephalosporin C; Yeast bud site selection system.
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