Microplastics (MPs) contamination has become a global concern with potential impacts on the marine environment. Alexandria is the second-largest city in Egypt and a significant contributor of plastic litter inputs into the Eastern Mediterranean Sea. The current study provides an in-depth analysis of the plastic particles accumulated along Alexandria beaches. Types, composition, and potential sources of MPs were investigated using microscopy and thermal analysis. A mean value of 389.1 ± 285.9 items kg-1 dry weight was detected in the shore sediments similar to other records from the Eastern Mediterranean region. An average of 457.4 ± 281.8 items m-3 was recorded in the surface water, which was the highest recorded MPs density in onshore waters of the Mediterranean region. Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) showed that plastics made up 0.5% - 72% of the materials extracted from the sediment samples, and 0.58% - 20.6% from the water samples. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) identified ten semi-crystalline polymers. Low-density polyethylene (LDPE) and polyethylene vinyl acetate (PEVA) were the common polymers. The single-use plastic bags and detergents were the land-based sources of marine plastic litter. The sea-based sources included antifouling paints, maintenance of ships, and abandoned fishing gears. Proper management plans of domestic waste input, polluter-pay strategy, and education programs aiming at the Fishermen and how plastic pollution would impact their livelihood are urgently needed.
Keywords: DSC; Eastern Mediterranean Sea; Marine litter; Microplastics; TGA.
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