Two series of flavylium triflates carrying alkoxy side chains in the A-ring (benzo unit of chromylium salt) and thioethers in the B ring (phenyl unit) (On -Fla-Sm ) as well as thioethers at both A and B ring (Sn -Fla-Sm ) were synthesized in order to understand the effect of thioether functionalization on their self-assembly and electronic properties. Concentration-dependent and diffusion ordered (DOSY) NMR experiments of O1 -iV-Fla-S3 indicate the formation of columnar H-aggregates in solution with antiparallel intracolumnar stacking of the AC unit (chromylium) of the flavylium triflate, in agreement with the solid state structure of O1 -V-Fla-S1 . Thioether substitution on the B ring changes the linear optical properties in solution, whereas it has no effect on the A ring. According to differential scanning calorimetry, polarizing optical microscopy and X-ray diffraction bulk self-assembly of these ionic liquid crystals (ILCs) depends on the total number of side chains, yielding SmA and LamCol phases for ILCs with 2-3 chains and Colro , Colh phases for ILCs with 3-6 chains. Thus, we demonstrated that thioethers are a useful design tool for ILCs with tailored properties.
Keywords: DOSY; NMR methods; flavylium salts; ionic liquid crystals; liquid crystals.
© 2022 The Authors. ChemPhysChem published by Wiley-VCH GmbH.