In past reports, the incidence of gastric perforation accounts for 0.08 to 3.6% of all gastric cancers, and the proportion of perforated gastric cancer(PGC)in gastric perforations is 26 to 32%. In the treatment of PGC, critical care for peritonitis, diagnosis of gastric cancer and curability for gastric cancer are required simultaneously, so it is not easy to decide the treatment strategies. Therefore, for the purpose to consider treatment strategies for PGC, we conducted a clinicopathological study on PGC in our hospital for the past 12 years. There were 22 cases of PGC, and we analyzed clinicopathologically 19 cases excluding perforation during endoscopic resection and perforation during chemotherapy. The R0 surgery group tended to have a good prognosis even in PGC cases, and there was surgery-related death in the one-stage gastrectomy group. So it was considered desirable to perform radical surgery after the general condition was stable by the treatment of peritonitis was given priority in the PGC.