Objective: To describe the prevalence of e-cigarette use among adolescent in Zhejiang province, and to analyze its distribution of different genders and school types to provide evidence for controlling the use of e-cigarette among adolescent. Methods: A total of 7 663 students from 60 middle schools through stratified multi-stage cluster sampling methods from Zhejiang province were surveyed by using questionnaire. Indicators as tried to use e-cigarette rate, current e-cigarette using rate, and other indicators were collected. All data were weighted by age proportions of adolescent in Zhejiang. Results: The prevalence of tried to use and current using e-cigarettes among middle school students were 6.99% and 1.45%, respectively; and there were 4.19% juniors who were susceptibility to future e-cigarette use. The rate of tied to use e-cigarette, current using e-cigarette and susceptibility to future e-cigarette use were higher in boys than in girls. The rate of current using e-cigarette was 2.07% for rural and 0.48% for urban. Technical secondary school students had the highest rate of tried to use e-cigarette and susceptibility to future e-cigarette use (13.53%, 6.91%). Junior school students (2.96%) had the lowest level of susceptibility to future tobacco use. The rate of tried e-cigarette use and current e-cigarette use and susceptibility to future e-cigarette use were higher in the group of "One of students' parents was smoker" (8.63%, 2.19%, 5.23%). The highest rate of current smoking was found in the group of "Weekly allowance more than 50 Yuan" (10.02%, 2.54%, 6.29%). Compared to technical secondary school students, senior school student (OR=0.57) and junior school students (OR=0.45) were less likely to try to use e-cigarette. Students whose weekly allowance were less than 20 Yuan were less likely to try to use e-cigarette (OR=0.49). Students who were boys (OR=5.44) and one of their parents was smoker (OR=1.59) were more likely to try to use e-cigarette. Conclusions: There were middle school students with tried e-cigarette use and current e-cigarette use, especially in technical secondary schools. The prevalence of e-cigarette using among middle school students increased with age. It is important to further spread of e-cigarette knowledge widely and deeply, and reduce the susceptible population of adolescents using e-cigarettes.
目的: 描述浙江省中学生电子烟使用的流行水平及其不同性别、学校分布特点,判断电子烟的流行变化趋势,为青少年电子烟使用防控提供科学依据。 方法: 采用多阶段分层整群随机抽样方法抽取浙江省60所中学共7 663名学生进行调查,采用电子烟尝试使用率、电子烟使用率等指标,依据浙江省中学生数进行加权计算。 结果: 中学生电子烟尝试使用率和使用率分别为6.99%和1.45%,电子烟易感率为4.19%。其中男生电子烟尝试使用率和使用率以及电子烟易感率均高于女生;农村学生电子烟吸烟率(2.07%)高于城市(0.48%);职业高中学生的电子烟尝试使用率和电子烟易感率最高(13.53%、6.91%),初中学生烟草易感率最低(2.96%);父母有吸烟者的学生组,其电子烟尝试使用率和使用率以及电子烟易感率相对更高(8.63%、2.19%、5.23%);“一周可支配零钱>50元”学生组的电子烟尝试使用率和使用率,以及电子烟易感率最高(10.02%、2.54%、6.29%)。多因素分析发现,相对于职业高中学生,普通高中生尝试吸电子烟比例较低(0.57倍),初中生尝试吸电子烟比例更低(0.45倍);相对于“一周可支配零钱>50元”的学生,“一周可支配零钱≤20元”的中学生尝试吸电子烟比例较低(0.49倍);男生、父/母吸烟的中学生尝试吸电子烟比例较高。 结论: 浙江省青少年存在尝试使用电子烟和使用电子烟的现象,尤其在职业高中学生中。中学生电子烟的使用流行有随年龄增长而上升的趋势。亟需学校重视预防学生电子烟使用的健康教育,抵制电子烟信息的传播,减少青少年电子烟使用的易感人群。.