Background: Medical Humanities and participatory experiences connect Culture, Art and Health promoting well-being, health. The Social and Community Theater is part of this approach. From the data collected by health care professionals and family members, it emerged the great fragility to which we were exposed in time of pandemic.
Aim: Describing the experience of care, connection and empathic understanding of health care professionals and family members' fragility and pain during the Covid period, in order to highlight the importance of an health and social community that takes care of itself.
Methods: Qualitative descriptive study conducted according to the methodology of the Social and Community Theatre with the involvement of internal networks: Directions, nursing and health groups and external partneship (anthropologists, psychologists, artists). Dramatic/theatrical approach autobiographical narration's one.
Results: Five hundred people involved in two events in which they shared stories of care professionals and patients' families. The great pain obtained a new human and symbolical meaning. Connection of different symbolical levels : body, relationship, olive tree, ground, water.The book "An olive tree to remember and celebrate life" was published: it enriches narrations with human value. Moreover recurring and common themes and emotions emerged from the analysis.
Conclusions: The experience created the conditions for the structured use of the methodology in order to strengthen life skills in health care professionals for events management, that generates high levels of work stress.
Nursing implications: Reflection on the importance of giving voice and sharing the experiences in multiprofessional and social communities to give meaning to the ethical and human sense of one's action in the relationship of care.