SignificanceATP8B1 is a P4 ATPase that maintains membrane asymmetry by transporting phospholipids across the cell membrane. Disturbance of lipid asymmetry will lead to the imbalance of the cell membrane and eventually, cell death. Thus, defects in ATP8B1 are usually associated with severe human diseases, such as intrahepatic cholestasis. The present structures of ATP8B1 complexed with its auxiliary noncatalytic partners CDC50A and CDC50B reveal an autoinhibited state of ATP8B1 that could be released upon substrate binding. Moreover, release of this autoinhibition could be facilitated by the bile acids, which are key factors that alter the membrane asymmetry of hepatocytes. This enabled us to figure out a feedback loop of bile acids and lipids across the cell membrane.
Keywords: ATP8B1; P4 ATPase; bile acid; cryo-EM structure; phospholipid flippase.