A great need exists for computationally efficient quantum simulation approaches that can achieve an accuracy similar to high-level theories at a fraction of the computational cost. In this regard, we have leveraged a machine-learned interaction potential based on Chebyshev polynomials to improve density functional tight binding (DFTB) models for organic materials. The benefit of our approach is two-fold: (1) many-body interactions can be corrected for in a systematic and rapidly tunable process, and (2) high-level quantum accuracy for a broad range of compounds can be achieved with ∼0.3% of data required for one advanced deep learning potential. Our model exhibits both transferability and extensibility through comparison to quantum chemical results for organic clusters, solid carbon phases, and molecular crystal phase stability rankings. Our efforts thus allow for high-throughput physical and chemical predictions with up to coupled-cluster accuracy for systems that are computationally intractable with standard approaches.