Several paediatric gastrointestinal diseases result in life-shortening organ failure. For many of these conditions, current therapeutic options are suboptimal and may not offer a cure. Regenerative medicine is an inter-disciplinary field involving biologists, engineers, and clinicians that aims to produce cell and tissue-based therapies to overcome organ failure. Exciting advances in stem cell biology, materials science, and bioengineering bring engineered gastrointestinal cell and tissue therapies to the verge of clinical trial. In this review, we summarise the requirements for bioengineered therapies, the possible sources of the various cellular and non-cellular components, and the progress towards clinical translation of oesophageal and intestinal tissue engineering to date.
Keywords: Bioengineering; Clinical translation; Congenital disorders; Regenerative medicine; Tissue engineering.
Copyright © 2021. Published by Elsevier Ltd.