What is known and objectives: As for adverse events (AEs) caused by everolimus, findings from clinical trials and post-marketing surveillance have reported interstitial lung disease, hyperglycaemia, cardiovascular disease, etc. However, these reports are limited to incidence, and detailed studies on the risk of occurrence, time to onset and post-event clinical outcomes are only related to hyperglycaemia. The purpose of this study was to perform a comprehensive analysis of adverse events during everolimus therapy in patients with renal cell carcinoma (RCC) using the Japanese Adverse Event Report database.
Methods: Data reported between April 2004 and June 2021 in the Japanese Adverse Drug Event Report database were extracted for use. The reported odds ratio, time to onset and post-event course were analysed for the top 30 adverse events reported.
Results and discussion: Among the top 30 adverse events, 23 adverse event signals were detected and classified into seven categories: lung-related AEs, haematological-related AEs, cancer progression, blood glucose-related AEs, hepatic-related AEs, renal-related AEs and others. The lung-related adverse events category was the most common, and the proportion of fatal outcomes after the occurrence of two adverse events related to infectious pneumonia was more than 10%.
What is new and conclusion: A comprehensive survey of adverse events associated with everolimus administration using the pharmacovigilance database revealed that pulmonary and haematological AEs are frequently reported. The results suggest that attention should be paid to the occurrence of lung disorders because they may lead to fatal outcomes.
Keywords: Japanese Adverse Drug Event Report database; everolimus; post-event outcomes; renal cell carcinoma; time to onset.
© 2022 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.