Scalable and roll-to-roll compatible processing methods have become pressing needs to transfer organic solar cells (OSCs) to realistic energy sources. Herein a new fabrication method of flexible microcomb printing is proposed. The microcomb is based on a PET sheet micromachined into comb teeth by a laser marker. A computational fluid mechanics simulation shows that the fluid flow around the microcomb teeth induces high shear as well as extensional strain rates, which enhance the molecular alignment and lateral mass transport. The PTQ10:Y6-BO OSCs printed by the flexible microcomb demonstrate a substantially increased degree of crystallinity and phase separation with a suitable domain size. Devices printed by the flexible microcomb in air achieve PCEs of up to 15.93%, higher than those of control devices spin-coated in the N2 glovebox. The flexibility of the PET film makes the microcomb teeth contact directly with the substrate without a suspended liquid meniscus, thus facilitating printing on soft or curved substrates. Printing of flexible OSCs and large-area devices are demonstrated. The flexible OSCs exhibit PCEs of up to 13.62%, which is the highest for flexible OSCs made by scalable printing techniques to date. These results make flexible microcomb printing a feasible and promising strategy toward the manufacture of efficient OSCs.
Keywords: flexible device; flexible microcomb printing; fluid flow; morphology; organic solar cells.