This study aims to investigate the factors of care-level deterioration in older adults with mild and moderate disabilities using nationally standardized survey data for care-needs certification. We enrolled people aged 68 years or older, certified as support levels 1-2 (mild disability) or care levels 1-2 (moderate disability) with no cancer. The outcome was care-level deterioration after two years. The possible factors were physical and mental functions which were categorized as the following five dimensions according to the survey for care-needs certification: body function, daily life function, instrumental activities of daily living (IADL) function, cognitive function, and behavioral problems. A multivariate logistic regression analysis was conducted after stratifying the care level at baseline. A total of 2844 participants were included in our analysis. A low IADL function was significantly associated with a risk of care-level deterioration in all participants. In addition, low cognitive function was linked to care-level deterioration, except for those with support level 1 at baseline. Participants with more behavioral problems were more likely to experience care-level deterioration, except for those with care level 2 at baseline. Our study showed the potential utility of the care-needs certification survey for screening high-risk individuals with care-level deterioration.
Keywords: behavioral problems; care level; cognitive function; instrumental activities of daily living; survey for care-needs certification.