The persistent sciatic artery is an uncommon disease, considered an axial congenital vascular malformation due to the lack of involution of the sciatic artery during embryonic development. It may be associated with abnormalities in the development of the iliac, common femoral and superficial femoral arteries. Patients may be asymptomatic, or they could present chronic pain, such as sciatic neuralgia, caused by nerve damage, since it is close to the abnormal persistent vessel, or due to ischemic pain, as a result of a thrombosis or embolism of an aneurysm, which could compromise the viability of the limb.
Keywords: Aneurisma ciático; Arteria ciática persistente; Ischemia; Isquemia; Neuralgia ciática; Persistent sciatic artery; Sciatic aneurysm; Sciatic neuralgia.
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